Team 20 has done many things this week. This is just a few of the things we've been up to:
- We had our first timed multiplication quiz this week.
- Almost all of us have finished our puff mobiles. Now we're testing them to see if they need to be redesigned. We also are completing time trials to determine our best puffers for the big race on Thursday!
- We are studying hard for our weather test on Monday!
- We have finished our second personal narrative drafts! Next week will be revising, editing, and publishing! Be on the look out for our final drafts at Open House!
- We worked on in/out boxes in math and worked with number and shape patterns, too!
What's coming up / Reminders from Mrs. Adams:
- We will be creating terrariums on Tuesday (10/1). I will explain to students tomorrow that, with your permission, they may bring in small plant clippings to plant in their terrarium jars. Clippings with stems that can be planted in the soil are best. Flowers do not generally fare well in the terrariums, but feel free to give them a try! If you do not have any plants, I have plenty in the classroom.
- Open House is Thursday, 10/3! I look forward to seeing Team 20 families and to meeting some of you for the first time. We will be working hard this week to get our classroom ready for your visit!